Revolutionary Concept

For bringing your IT training without all the extra verbiage of the traditional classroom environment

Services© can help make sure you’re getting the right tools and technology to match your business requirements and objectives.

Products© can help make sure you’re getting the right tools and technology to match your business requirements and objectives.

KLIPcast©© can help make sure you’re getting the right tools and technology to match your business requirements and objectives.

About Us© is a revolutionary concept for bringing you IT training without all the extra verbiage of the traditional classroom environment.

At© each VTS© (Video Training Series) such as Cisco, Microsoft, etc. are broken into FLICs© (Facts Loaded with Integrated Concepts). Consider each FLIC© to be a DVD movie, instead of being about 2 hours in length, these FLICs© are about 6 to 8 hours long.

january, 2025

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